20. Januar 2007

Im Januar 2007 traf sich unsere Gruppe für einen Ausbildungstag in Baselbiet. Neben Kommunikation sollte das Thema Manöver sein. 

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_1

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_10

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_11

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_13

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_14

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_15

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_16

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_17

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_18

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_19

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_2

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_20

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_21

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_22

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_23

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_24

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_25

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_26

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_27

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_28

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_29

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_4

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_5

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_6

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_7

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_8

Battle of the Bulge - Switzerland_9